Our most popular courses

The ranking of this table is entirely based on the opinions of registered students.

Rank Course Reach Rating Vote count
1 Economie politică pozitivă 2: Instituții și politici europene 100 96 28
2 Introducere în relații internaționale 59 100 25
3 Economie politică pozitivă 37 98 79
4 EUROSCI Network course: Development economics 22 100 1
5 Jean Monnet Open Online Course of European Integration: Economic Development 17 100 3
6 Teoria alegerii raționale 17 100 5
7 Politicile comune ale Uniunii Europene 17 98 12
8 Politici economice 16
9 Economia politică a statului bunăstării 16 100 3
10 Management information systems 16 100 1
11 Jean Monnet Open Online Course of European Integration: Strategic Communications 15 100 3
12 Introduction to economics 15
13 Marketing communication in retail 15
14 Borders, barriers and protest culture 14
15 Institutional architecture and communication in the European Union 14
16 España contemporánea 14
17 European project management 13 100 1
18 Introduction to Ukrainian language and culture 13
19 Politicile Uniunii Europene 13
20 Introduction to international relations 12
21 Planificación y gestión de destinos y productos turísticos de patrimonio cultural y natural 12
22 EU government and tourism 12
23 European Governance 12
24 Supply chain planning 11
25 Strategic communication themes in the EU and its Member States. Decision and common policies 11
26 Jean Monnet Open Online Course of European Integration: The EU and its Policies 11 100 2
27 Project management 11
28 Doctoral seminar: Current frontiers of global academic research 11
29 3rd edition BIM-iss 2020 11
30 Recreation and leisure activities 11
31 EUROSCI minicourse: The European Union and the tourism industry 11
32 Project management essentials 11
33 Quantitative methods 11
34 EUROSCI Network course: The EU and emerging markets 10
35 Jogo e tecnologia para alto desempenho 10 100 1
36 The future of the European Union 2: demography, education and sustainability 10
37 English language for physical education and sports 10
38 Communication Content Management 10
39 Introduction to comparative politics 10 100 2
40 Europeanisation: new research trends 10