Universität der Bundeswehr München

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DE Germany
EUROSCI Network University Index: 
About the University: 
Bundeswehr University Munich is a public German university located in Neubiberg, a municipality in the southern outskirts of Munich. It was founded in 1973 (together with Helmult Schmidt University in Hamburg) as a federal higher education institution to cater for the needs of academic education of future officers of the German armed forces. Its degrees are academicly recognised because they comply with the standards set up by Bavaria state law. Since 2003, it has a growing number of civilian and international students, who must be sponsored by firms or other institutions in order to be able to concentrate on their studies on an equal footing with their military colleagues. The university is also integrated in two government-sponsored national research excellence clusters. Occuppying most the land that used to be an air base of the German Luftwaffe during the 3rd Reich, it is today one of very few campus universities in Germany. The niughbouring village of Unterbiberg, located in the same municipality, currently hosts the heaquarters of Infineon Technologies (the largest German chip manufacturer) and Intel.
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